
11 Creative Ways to Stand Out and Become the Go-To Expert Online

Personal Branding, Social Media

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Building authority and credibility is a must if you want to build a successful business and make an impact.

Despite the vast amounts of information available to us at our fingertips, or the thought that everyone is already out there, saying the same thing, there is still a place and a need for you to show up, to serve your audience and make an impact.

Standing out is a lot easier than you think so long as you don’t allow yourself to get stuck in the comparison trap.

Take for example, the bread aisle in the supermarket.

There are countless brands and options to choose from yet, the shelves are restocked several times a week when product sells. Despite having countless options to choose from, new brands and options of bread continue to pop-up because people are always looking for new options or new brands to choose from.

This is great news for you because despite the current options, there will always be someone who chooses your brand over another because your brand offers them what they need and are looking for in the moment they are searching for options.

Bottom line, there will always be room for you and someone waiting to choose your brand over the other options out there.

Here are just a few ways to stand out and position yourself as the expert that others choose as the go-to expert over anyone else.

11 Creative Ways to Stand out and Become the Go-To Expert Online

  1. Consume less, create more.

To allow others to see you as the expert and authority that you are, you must focus more effort on creating content rather than consuming content. The more content you create and publish the more opportunity you are creating for people to find you and start building the know, like, and trust that helps to build your authority.

  1. Become known for one thing

Would you rather be known as the Jill of all trades or the master of one? The most successful people master the art of one area of focus or one niche. Everything they create or share either comes from or leads back to that one core focus. Follow their lead and aim for a similar approach.

  1. Develop a strong online presence

Developing a strong online presence does not mean that you have to create all of the content and do all of the things. Having a strong online presence can be simple if you are strategic about your approach. Start by making sure that your profiles are filled out completely and they offer a way to get in contact with you even if it isn’t your primary platform for posting.

  1. Teach online classes

Teaching classes online is one of the best ways to build credibility and establish yourself as an expert. When you teach classes online you create opportunity for people to get a sampling of what it’s like to work with you in some of your larger (or longer time-period) offers.

  1. Create a weekly live show

Having a weekly live show allows you to establish your credibility quickly because you’re building know, like, and trust consistently. By showing up weekly, your audience will have the ability to better understand what it is that you do and who it is that you serve through your different ways of working with you.

  1. Host a free challenge

Free challenges are one of my favorite ways of engaging with my audience. Free challenges give people the opportunity to understand what it’s like to work with you and learn something valuable along the way. Challenges are also my favorite way to launch a program or offer and they convert incredibly well.

  1. Collaborate with others

Collaboration is an excellent way to build community and reach a new audience that you wouldn’t normally be able to connect with on your own. Strive to collaborate with people who are like-minded, who offer something that is cohesive with what you do and not in direct competition and who have a target audience that is the same or similar to your ideal audience.

  1. Host a virtual summit

Virtual summits, like challenges are a great way for you to quickly establish yourself as an expert and reach a new audience at the same time. Virtual summits can be done on your own or you can facilitate other experts in and around your nice as well.

  1. Create your own Facebook group

When you have your own Facebook group, it’s easy to execute a lot of these simple strategies because you have a built-in community ready to hear from you. Contrary to popular belief, having a Facebook group does not require a lot of time to manage once you’ve cultivated the right audience and your initial setup is complete.

  1. Become a public speaker

Public speaking is one of the strategies that I used personally to build my business when I first set out on my own. While it can be scary at first, it gets easier over time. The benefit is that you have a captive audience to share your knowledge and expertise to and most places will allow you to promote your freebies during your talks and presentations as well, just be sure to always ask for permission first.

And finally, number eleven…

  1. Become an author

What better way to establish yourself as the go-to in your niche than becoming a published author. Publishing your work is easier than ever before thanks to the tools and technologies that we have at our fingertips. Challenge yourself to think outside of the box when it comes to publishing as well.

You don’t have to write your life story or document your full process in order to become an author, start with a journal, guide or workbook that has been helpful to you or your clients.

There are many other ways to make connections and build authority online. The goal is to find opportunities to position yourself as a resource and expert in your niche.

The more effort and attention you put into connecting with others and engaging in the conversation, the more your audience will grow along with your list of connections and opportunities will come your way.

If you are tired of standing on the sideline, watching others pass you in both income and impact then this is your chance to take action and really make the kind of impact that you know you’re capable of making.

When you put in the effort and you will be rewarded with countless opportunities to grow your brand, build your audience, and become known as that go-to expert that you already are, you just must show up for yourself like you do for others.

Implementing just one strategy on this list can make a huge difference. Start with one and grow from there as you build confidence.

Want the full list of 50 ways to stand out and become the go-to expert in any niche? Download the full guide here.


50 Ways to Position Yourself as The Go-To Expert

This step-by-step guide will show you 50 different ways to gain visibility and position yourself as the expert in any niche!

Cheers to building authority and growing a profitable brand of impact.

Until next time,

11 Creative Ways to Stand Out and Become the Go-To Expert Online

Personal Branding, Social Media